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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What supplies does my child need for school?


Your child will be provided with the essential supplies for each class, including binder, notebooks, folders and a planner. 


2. Are you a uniform school?


We encourage students to wear school spirit wear, or if they choose to wear our unofficial uniform of blue/khaki pants and blue/white polo. If they choose to wear street clothes, they must meet the regulations outlined in the Family Handbook.


3. What is Advisory?


Advisory is a small group of students that meets once a week with an assigned teacher ( advisor) to discuss academic progress as well as issues that are important and apply to middle schoolers. The advisor serves the primary contact when you have questions or concerns.


4. Does DLMS have lockers?


Yes. Each student is assigned a locker in their homeroom. They put a lock on their locker, if they choose to and it is their responsibility to remember the combination/carry the key.


5. How does my child get a Metrocard?


Eligible students are assigned a Metrocard that corresponds to their student ID. The city determines who is eligible based on distance and other factors. As soon as the Metrocards are made available to the school, your child will receive theirs.


6. What happens if a Metrocard is lost, stolen or no longer works?


Please notify Ms. Blanca as soon as possible so she can issue a new Metrocard to your child. Please note that we are only issued enough Metrocards for students to receive one so there may be a delay in getting a replacement.


7. If I need to pick up my child early for a doctor's appointment, what do I do?


Please notify the office prior to arriving at school by calling 212-496-1050. Only those who are listed on the Blue Card may pick up your child. To avoid wait time during lunch/recess duty, please arrive before 1pm or after 1:45  to sign out your child in the main office whenever possible.


8. I want my child to attend After School, but they get bussed to/from school


Your child may attend After School however you need to call the bus company that they will not be picking up your child at 2:35pm and you will need to arrange for alternative transportation. 


9. How do I check my child’s grades?


Please log into to see your child’s grades and attendance.


10. What steps should I take to prepare my child for the High School application process?


  1. Make sure you have access to Myschools.

  2. Nativate the High School directory.

  3. Create a list and study selected schools' websites.

  4. Ask your child/family the following questions (student’s interest area(s), large or small school, how far is your child willing to commute, etc…)


11. How do I sign up my child for counseling?


We offer at risk counseling services for six weeks for students in need. If your child has an Individualized Education Plan, please call Ms. Rojas to add counseling services to IEP. Otherwise, please speak to your child’s advisor about a referral for counseling services. 


12. Will my child get homework?


Homework is part of your child’s grade. While we understand that they might have after school commitments, they will be given a short assignment in most classes. Students should write their homework in their planner that was provided at the beginning of the year.


13. What is Google Classroom?


Google Classroom is a platform that we use to post assignments in many classes. Students can then edit the assigned documents directly on their electronic device. Students access Google Classroom by using their emails. 


Dual Language Middle School   William J. O'Shea Campus.  100 West 77 Street
New York, NY 10024
DLMS_COLOR (1).png

(Phone) 212-496-1050

School Schedule

Monday - Friday 

8:10 AM - 2:30 PM

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